indoor pollution


Here, we describe common sources of indoor air pollution, the health impacts of indoor pollutants, and populations disparately impacted by COVID-19 and poor indoor air quality.

Basic Information on Pollutants and Sources of Indoor Air Pollution. Asbestos. Biological Pollutants. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Cookstoves. Formaldehyde/Pressed Wood Products. Lead (Pb) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2) Pesticides. Radon (Rn) Indoor Particulate Matter. Secondhand Smoke/ Environmental Tobacco Smoke. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Wood Smoke.

Household air pollution is generated by the use of polluting fuels and technologies in and around the home that contain health-damaging pollutants. It is responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year, especially among women and children. WHO provides guidance on clean fuels and technologies, strategies to protect health, and data on impacts on health, equity and climate change.

Indoor air contains a more diverse range of pollutants than does outdoor air. Some are common to both. For example, wood and coal fires and cooking stoves emit large amounts of particulate...

Air pollution - the combination of outdoor and indoor particulate matter, and ozone - is a risk factor for many of the leading causes of death including heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

There are two main types of air pollution - ambient air pollution (outdoor pollution) and household (or indoor) air pollution refers to pollution generated by household combustion of fuels (caused by burning fuel such as coal, wood or kerosene) using open fires or basic stoves in poorly ventilated spaces. Both indoor and outdoor air pollution ...

Air pollution: Indoor air pollution. 9 November 2014 | Q&A. What are the main sources of household air pollution in developing countries? Nearly 3 billion of the world's poorest still rely on solid fuels (wood, animal dung, charcoal, crop wastes and coal) burned in inefficient and highly polluting stoves for cooking and heating.

Clean Air Indoors. What Makes Indoor Air Unhealthy? Learn about indoor air pollutants and sources of indoor air pollution. Poor indoor air quality can cause or worsen lung diseases. Find out what makes indoor air unhealthy and how to protect your family.

Indoor air pollution is a big problem in developing countries, where people often burn solid fuels for cooking and heating. It can also be harmful to health in energy-efficient homes, where ventilation is often poor and indoor spaces are often damp and moldy. Learn how to reduce indoor air pollution by using proper ventilation, HEPA filters, green cleaners, and indoor plants.

Indoor air pollution (IAP) is a serious threat to human health, causing millions of deaths each year. A plethora of pollutants can result in IAP; therefore, it is very important to identify their main sources and concentrations and to devise strategies for the control and enhancement of indoor air quality (IAQ).

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